Javascript Basic Part-1
Variable --> Named storage data
We can declare it using var,let,const
let- new declaration
var - old school side declaration
const- for constant type values you can declare it
Rules for declaring variable
1.cannot start with number is universal for all language
2.let my-name hypens '-' aren't allowed inthe name
3. john and JOHN are two different variables
4.You can't use reserve keywords to variable name
5.It is possible to use non-latin letters but in the future perspect you need to write in becuase its globally valid for all people.
for eg:
Normally, we need to define a variable before using it,But in old times you can directly declare it without types eg:
This above works still now,but its a bad practice ,after ES6 you can use "use strict" to avoid it for future declaration errors
let Keyword eg: