Programming in PHP


In Object-oriented programming, we bundle or combine related functions and variables into something called a Class. Through the help of the class, we created objects and using objects you access variables and functions/methods in that Class. If functions or variables are defined Public. We refer to the class variables as Properties and functions as Methods.

Class vs Objects

It is a Blueprint of a HouseIt is created based on blueprint
you can have more objects for one class
Each object is different
House itself is an object

Why OOP?

  • Better Code Structure

  • Easier to maintain

  • Modular & Extendable

  • Polymorphism Flexibility

Procedural Programming can be used for small scale Projects. But for scalability, we use OOPs.If we use OOPs doesn't use this means it will automatically be easier to maintain, it's a developer how they utilize it.OOPs makes it easier for you to write such code.

OOP not equal to MVC

  • OOP is the Programming paradigm.

  • MVC is an architectural pattern that uses OOPs.

OOP Types

  1. Encapsulation

  2. Inheritance

  3. Abstraction

  4. Polymorphism